Friday, June 7, 2013

-ve energy

Feel the air of stress, tension, jealousy, hatred, anger and grunge, in the office. All the -ve energy can be felt and it sucks  +ve spirit n energy. +ve energy have to be energized back in order  to get the spiritt to work and start living.

How i wish i have a motivational people around me and  people who can support each other  that keeps my spirit alive in that office.Selalu berimaginasi dan berharap orang sekeliling gembira bekerja bersama-sama dan saling bantu- membantu. but, it just a dream and a movie that going on in my head. The realiti fulls of politics, dramas, and have a lot of people which is so hard for me to understand and pleased. But, life must go on no matter how hard it is. 

Life is always about struggling...and how i wish i can escape from all the -ve energy and madness of people.

Some advice for myself. Just start living, be strong, just take the +ve n throw away the -ve, Worrying waste energy and its not good for ur health. Stop over thinking, just do ur work, kerja kerana Allah...moga Allah lindungi saya. Ameen...

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